Friday, March 30, 2007


Marketing is all about presentaton. I mean it takes a major part in marketing. Today, I got school @ 9am and stayed til 10 30pm. And then I gave myself a treat for a beer with two of my advertising project members, Zack and Rick. There were 2 presentations I had to work on, but I decided not to be a spoke person since other heavy school work.
The first one we had was for marketing research class. All students who were taking this course worked together such as making a questionnir, conducting interviews, and analysis. Our group was assigned to work on analysing the data for Unicef. It was crazy at the presentation scene. President of Unicef and Associate dean of York attended our presentation. Such a big pressure. And then, advertising presentation . We made some ads by ourselves and killed the audience. ^^ Presentation day is always exciting..

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